back to Hall of Fame Michael Aono Youth Athlete of the Year 2014 “Runner’s take your mark, get set, go!” And “go” Michael Aono did! It has been a breakout year for this humble young North Delta sprinter. With his incredible track times, Michael is currently...
back to Hall of Fame Jeannie Cockcroft Master Athlete of the Year 2014 Jeannie Cockcroft graduated from South Delta Secondary School where she participated in several sports including track and field, achieving distinction by winning the BC high school high jump...
back to Hall of Fame Dean Bauck Athlete Track And Field 2013 When Dean Bauck was awarded the Outstanding Male Athlete Award in grade seven at Ladner Elementary, little did he know that was the first of many awards to come his way. Although excelling at basket- ball,...
back to Hall of Fame Malcolm Smillie Master Athlete of the Year Track and Field 2010 Malcolm Smillie has been an elite middle distance runner as a Masters Track athlete since turning Masters in 2000. Last July, he continued his dominance of these events at the...
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