Ladner And Tsawwassen Mcdonald’s Steve Krawchuk
Sponsor 2013McDonald’s Canada believes in sport as a way to encourage Canadian children to incorporate a healthy balance of activity into their daily lives. Steve Krawchuk believes wholly in this philosophy and as the owner of the South Delta McDonald’s, he believes in helping every sport with something. It may be gift certificates, in kind donations or cash but he does try to help all who ask.
At age fifteen, Steve began working at McDonald’s with the intention of staying about six months. From this early age, he was impressed with the McDonald’s philosophy and commitment and has made McDonald’s his life. Commitment to community and sport is important to Steve. As a child, he did not have the opportunity to be involved in organized sport except for a bit of high school rugby. As a parent and through his children’s involvement in sport, he learned to appreciate the value of participation and what sport can give to a child. Not everyone is an athlete but everyone can participate and benefit from what sport gives – leadership, sportsmanship, friendships, and an active healthy lifestyle. Steve believes that every child deserves a chance to play and feel good about what they are doing. These principles have led Steve to give back what he can to our community sport teams. He says that what he does is insignificant to what should be done.
Steve has had the franchise for the South Delta McDonald’s for eleven years and was the manager of Ladner McDonalds’ when it opened in 1984. Over this time he has supported most sports in Delta – lacrosse, baseball, hockey, Delta Ice Hawks, SDSS Football, Ladner Stingrays, ringette (title sponsor of the Western Canadian Ringette Championships), Delta Gymnastics Society (title sponsor of their annual invitational of twenty years), soccer and many more.
Steve reflected on how in the early days of Ladner McDonald’s, in partnership with Fitness Now, they held weekly fitness classes inside McDonald’s. The two companies partnered again at the Ladner May Days with an attempt to hold the world’s largest fitness class and make it into the Guinness Book of World Records. The attempt fell short of the record but hundreds of people participated.
Steve certainly lives his philosophy of sport with his participation as a coach and a sponsor. He is proud to live and work in the community and believes everyone should give back what they can.